Student flows in the Dutch education system

For the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science we visualized flows of students in the Dutch post-secondary vocational education system. It uses interactive Sankey diagrams to show the more than 40.000 possible data flows in a privacy-safe way. The user can view the huge dataset from multiple perspectives, per region, per school, or per type of flow and per year.

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Regional education in figures

For the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science we developed an interactive site to browse through a huge amount of data on educational institutes and the many different courses organised by these institutes.

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Hierarchical data components

Many data are either hierarchical by nature or better to understand by grouping it to one or multiple variables. We created generic components for viewing such data, such as an interactive treemap, circle diagrams, scatterplots and hierarchical bar charts. Click on the pictures on the right to go to the respective interactive visualisation and change grouping, color or other variables to explore the data.

We use these components to visualize metadata in our data consultancy projects, but we also provide them for free on our site to be used by others. Feel free to upload your own data (csv) and play with it. The data stays in your browsere and are not uploaded to our server to it's safe. Note that dedicated versions of these software can be created on request.

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Financial Dashboard

For a client we developed an interactive treemap-based financial dashboard, displaying market share for industries per year.

Treemap-based dashboard

Youth Unemployment

The graphic shown is one of a series of visualizations on youth unemployment, created for the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. This one graphically expresses the percentage of youth (age 15-25) being unemployed in relation to the total population of that age.

youth unemployment

Education Flows

This visualization is part of a study on streaming characteristics in the Dutch education system for the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. This graph shows the relationship between the choice of a subject combination in highschool and the universities students with this subject combination joined. Highlighted are the flows from the subject combination "economy and society".

Many interactive graphs of this kind were generated of which we show only one here.

Education streams

DrasticData in E-Data and Research newsletter

DrasticData was quoted in the Dutch E-Data and Research newsletter, Special Issue 2014 / 2015, p.5, for the metadata analysis project of the Dutch data archive.

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E-Data and Research mention

OECD International Trade

This interactive visualization uses data from the OECD statistical database on trade. It uses two interactive treemaps to display the import and export to and from a country of interest and the industries that were involved.

DANS EASY metadata

For the Dutch Data Archving institute (DANS) we studied the metadata of the DANS EASY data archive and visualised in an interactive dashboard.

DANS Easy metadata A
DANS Easy metadata B

Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies

In 2012 we visualised some of the results of the Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies, integrated datafile 1970-2006. This interactive visualisation displays 5 variables, political party, provence, gender, education and urbanisation, and their relationships. The data for this visualisation was retrieved from the DANS EASY data archive

Dutch Parliamentary Election Studies

Dutch Professions

This visualization uses a treemap, map and population pyramidto displays the professions of the Dutch people in 1899. This visualization shows the power of connecting different representation methods to browse multidimensional data.

Beroepen van Nederlanders in 1899

Dynamic news map

This dynamic news map displays Google news scaled by number of articles. One can leave it open in the browser to see the news change.

This visualization was active on this site from 2010 to 2015.

Newsmap, us version

Dutch neighbourhood improvement program

This visualization shows data about the neighbourhood improvement program of the Dutch ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment. We played around with a few variables on living, work, education, safety, health and debts. Data for each neighbourhood can be compared with the mean value for the Netherlands as a whole and the mean values for each municipality.

Neighbourhood improvement

Living taxes

This example uses a hierarchical bar chart to show the amount of local tax paid by a Dutch household in the Netherlands by province and municipality for 2008 and 2009 based on data from the Dutch association of house owners.

Living taxes

Fuel consumption

This graphic displays the fuel consumption of cars in a hierarchical bar chart. The idea behind this visualization is that you can see at the same time the fuel consumption on a more detailed level (per car type) and at a higher level (per manufacturer or the mean for all cars).

Fuel consumption

Internet population

Based on global indicators from the UNSD we calculated the number of internet users per country from 1990 to 2005. Viewing the data in percentage mode, you can see that the US became less dominant over years and users from countries such as China and India were increasingly populating the internet. Using the interactive legenda you can play with the data per continent.

Internet population

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